Blogathon!!!! #1

Am doing a blogathon again this year and I hope to complete it this year as well. There are a couple of other things I want to do this year on the blog. One, I started a Mahabharatha characters series last year but never went beyond 'E'. I hope to do that as well.
Also, I want to read every other blog participating in this blogathon this year which is no simple task(43 bloggers so far!). As a start, I have added everyone to the Bloglines(Check here to know what Bloglines is about). And am sharing it here so that anyone interested in following the blogs participating in the blogathon can make use of it. Click here for accessing it!

My mantra for 2015 is going to be this..

Wish you all a Happy New Year!!!


SM said...

Happy New Year Gayathri and looking forward to your posts, especially the Maharabharat ones.

Megha said...

Hi Gayathri - the dashboard is a lovely way to get a glimpse of what other people are posting. Will try it.

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