I'm back!

Well...Errr... Hmmm... OKAY, not talking about excuses for abandoning this blog, let me come straight to the post. Its not actually a proper post, its just a comeback. My LO is turning 1 in a few days and I hardly get any time for myself. It seems to me like I have been reading Fahrenheit by Ray Bradbury and Salt Sugar Fat by Micheal Moss forever.

On the brighter side, my daughter's affinity to books looks very positive. Whenever she feels like, she goes near the table where her books are kept and keeps shouting(errr communicating, I mean) that I read it with her. Mostly I have picture books and silly books(check out my LO's goodreads account!). She points to the images in the book and says 'Idhee' for everything which I believe is 'idhu' in tamil meaning 'this'. And yes, she wants me to put it book on the table once done. 

So, trying hard not to contemplate on the fact that without a commitment like a blogging marathon, my blog is dying slowly, let me hope that I will come back with atleast one post a week!


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