Characters of Mahabharata: C

A short-lived son of King Shantanu and Satyavati. Satyavati, who wanted her sons to be successors to the throne, ended up with sons who never reached anywhere near fame. 

Princess of Manipura who was married to Arjuna during his period of exile. She never left manipura due to matrilineal customs and her son Babruvahana was the successor of Manipura's throne.

A Gandharva(heavenly beings well versed in singing and dance) who was also Arjuna's teacher. During the exile of Pandavas, Arjuna went to the Himalayas to perform penance to acquire the Pashupatastra from Lord Shiva. Pleased by his devotion, Lord shiva blesses him with the divine weapon and asks him to pay a visit to his father Indra in Heaven. There, he learns singing and dancing from Chitrasena.
Chitrasena, also defeated Duryodhana, Karna and Shakuni who camped near Dwaitavana where the Pandavas were living in exile. He tied Duryodhana against his chariot and was later rescued by the Pandavas.


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